
OK. You’re not gonna believe this. 

When I was in pre-school, we had a new teacher come in, just before Halloween. 🎃 Miss Reynolds. She was young, and cool, and everyone wanted to be the “teacher’s pet” (but wait for it 👇).

On the morning of Halloween, Miss Reynolds came in with a BIG set-up, and told us that on the way to school, she hit a dog….and had BROUGHT PIECES OF THE DOG FOR US TO FEEL.

😳😳😳 ?!?!?!

OK, let’s pause here for a sec.  🛑

Because, I just want to remind you that this was PRE-SCHOOL. And the crowd was (on average)…..4 years old.

We would have believed anything LESS DRAMATIC! Like…

👉 The dog donated his body to science

👉 Her brother was a veterinary professor and decided to lend us his laboratory

👉 The local anthropology museum gave us a “hands-on” activity 

But no. She said she HIT THE DOG. 😶

Back to pre-school.

Miss Reynolds then invited each of us to stick our hands in a series of boxes, and guess which body parts we were touching.

Now…at this point, I was already FIGHTING BACK TEARS….wondering who’s dog Miss Reynold’s had hit.

😢 What was his name?
😢 Were his family/friends worried about him?
😢 Did he like to chase his tail?

And so when I found myself feeling the dog’s “eyeballs” (peeled grapes) and “brains” (slimy spaghetti)….I was SO TRIPPED OUT!

Traumatized, even. 

When the jig was up, and Miss Reynold’s told us all it was a HALLOWEEN TRICK 👻, we all let out a sigh of relief. 

But not before setting us all up for a lifetime of trust issues. 🙄

How you position your messaging, matters. 

💫 And {{ subscriber.first_name | strip | default: “friend” }}, when it comes to your personal brand, it is SO IMPORTANT to craft a consistent and compelling message that reflects your unique offer.

It’s all about establishing a strategic sales funnel that empowers your audience to engage with your brand, and take meaningful action.

And the story you tell, will either attract or repel potential clients.

Curious about where you stand?

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Ready to go further? Check out our website for all the deets on The Feminine Marketing Boutique! We offer marketing strategy, funnels, and copy for COACHES, like you!

P.S. Here in Mexico, we’ll be celebrating The Day of The Dead (have you seen the Disney movie, Coco? – because they effing nail it). 

It’s basically a picnic party with the dead!…and it’s soo…beautiful…like not creepy…it’s super consoling.

This year, is going to be extra special, because Grandpa Roger will be one of the “living dead” we celebrate! ♥️